One of the Signs a Man is Attracted to a Woman, According to Research

A woman can feel if a man is attracted to her by smelling his sweat. According to research, the smell of a man's sweat varies according to his mood, and women can pick up on changes that indicate a man's attraction to a woman.

One of the Signs a Man is Attracted to a Woman

According to Research

A researcher named Dr Denise Chen, assistant professor of psychology from Rice University, Texas - America, introduced two types of male sweat samples to 19 women aged around 20 years. One of the sweat samples was labelled "normal", and the other was marked "sexually mature".

The sweat was collected from men who had been given pads attached to their armpits. "Normal" work was collected over a 20-minute period during which the men were asked to watch an educational video. Then they were asked to watch an "sexually mature" video for 20 minutes, after which the armpit pads were replaced with new ones. After that, the women were asked to smell the different scents of sweat while the researchers monitored the women's brain activity.

The women were not aware of and could not tell the difference between the two, but their brains were mindful of and responded to the smell of the sweat. Dr Chen said sweating labelled "sexually mature" activated specific parts of the women's brains. He stated that the result is that a woman's brain can unconsciously recognize the smell of the sweat of a man who is attracted to her.

It is not fully explained how the reaction mechanism of a woman's brain responds to the smell of men's sweat. Still, Dr Chen and his colleagues intend to expand their research by looking at how these scents affect the behaviour of men and women towards one another.


Actually, women can smell a man's attraction to him with a note depending on the situation and conditions. This is just an assumption based on research. How is there a woman like this too at this time?

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